Memorial Day Weekend

May 28, 2015

Every fisherman has "their place" and we're no different. John probably started telling me about his place just to get me to stop complaining about winter. 

"I'll take you there when spring hits" he'd say. I half believed it was real. This past memorial day weekend John and I finally had a chance to hit HIS SPOT and the only thing I can say about it is, there are no words that could have prepared me for how awesome it really was. I was happy I lugged the camera along, and even more happy I didn't dunk it when I slipped in the first 5 minutes.

Here's a few snaps to get you through the day. If you only have a minute scroll down to see one of the cooler tail splash photos I've ever taken.



March 15, 2015

Friday the 13th turned out to be pretty lucky for the River Song crew.  We hit the water and took advantage of some late winter warmth and some a few beautiful browns come to net. It's one thing to look at our nets in the shop and be proud of the craftsmanship, but its another to see trout in them, and then safely released.  We're certainly looking forward to warmer weather and more time on the river!

Pretty Brown landed nicely in our Medium River Net